Installing Oracle VirtualBox Applicaiton on Windows 7

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Many wish to install Linux operating system on PC or laptop. First we think about installing as a secondary operating system along with Windows 7.

Later, we feel difficult to switch between Linux and Windows because we need to reboot PC for doing this.

How to overcome this issue ? Cant we install Linux in Windows 7 ?

Yes we can. But we need an application which will allow us to complete this task.

There are many such applications available in market. I have chosen Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager.

What exactly is a VirtualBox ?
VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use.

Lets see how to install ..

First,open your favourite web-brower and copy past this url in address bar of your web-browser.   

You will find  various virtualBox binaries for various platforms. Since we are installing VirtualBox in Windows 7 PC, choose the first one and save it to a particular location in your hard-drive.

Once the binary is downloaded, double click on it.

Select Run to the pass the security warning.

Select Next to pass the welcome screen.

Select the location where the installation should take place. Simply select the defaults and press Next.

Select Yes for passing this warning.

Next select install to proceed ahead with installation.

This may take some time.

Finally, Oracle VM VirtualBox is successfully installed.

Leave default check box selection to start Oracle VM VirtualBox" and select Finish.

So, this is the oracle VM VirutalBox Manager applicaiton using which we will be installing  a Linux Virtual Machine in Windows 7.

For more details, please check this video:


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