How Linux Boots ? Linux Boot-up procedure made easy.
If you are new to Linux and interested in Linux Boot process, you have reached the correct web-page.This article is for you. Linux is a Open Source Operating System developed by many programmers around the clock. Its a dynamically evolving Operating system used in various devices like Mobiles, Personal computers, Laptops, tablets etc. If you are using a Linux PC (or a device) in your daily life, it’s important to know how it boots and what steps are involved in its boot up process. The moment you switch on a Linux device, you may notice various screen displayed during the initial stage of Linux Boot-up. Finally you will end up with a log-in prompt. Are you curious to know what exactly happens between the power-up and the display of Login prompt ? If you are, then lets see how Linux boots. Linux Boot-up process involves mainly 4 steps: 1. BIOS 2. MBR (First Stage Bootloader) 3. Kernel Loader (Second Sta...